Friday, April 29, 2011

Nypro plastics plant to close, lay off 180 - Portland Business Journal:
Nypro officials told employees last week that the compangy plans to shut down its plant at 7301 Distribution Drivdby Sept. 30, putting 180 employees out of work. The planyt makes plastic parts for theauto industry, and it simplg ran out of buyers for its said Al Cotton, a spokesman at the company's Mass., headquarters. Company officials had studied solutionz for the plant for more than a but they could not come up with a way to keep thefacilityy open, Cotton said. "We just couldn't get the businesx into it." The Louisville which Nypro has owned for about three has been in a poor financial positionj forsome time, he said.
According to a letter the company sent to the Kentucky Department forWorkforce Investment, the companyh expects to lay off the first workerw on July 28 and phase the rest out on July 29, Aug. 30 and 20. All of the workers are being offeredd some form ofseverance pay, and most of them would also receivde payoffs from the employee stock ownership Cotton said. In its annuapl report for 2007, said it is one of the country'se largest employee-owned companies, with 17,000 employees. Last year, the companh had its best net sales year with $1.17 billion. The company'sz major markets are in plasti c parts forhealth care, consumer electronics and packaging, Cottomn said.
Cotton said workers willingv to relocate might be offered jobs at one ofthe company'sw 50 other locations worldwide. But, he said, he doubtecd many would accept because thecompany doesn't have a nearby "Plastic skills are special skills," he said. "We don'ty want to pass up on talentedd people." The plant has more than 50 plastic-injection moldingg machines, which either will be movec to other facilitiesor sold, he said. The compang leased the 240,000 square-foot building, which is owned by The MeadowsEast Inc., accordin g to information on the Jefferson County Propertty Valuation Administrator's Web site. The planr was opened by D-J Inc.
, whicnh began operations in 1970 witha 27,500-squarse foot plant on South Park Road in From 1989 to 1995, the company grew to 650 employeesx from 135. In January 1989, the plant movee into its current home onDistributioh Drive. The new plant cost $6.6 million for the land, building and new The company expanded the plantby 100,000 squar feet in 1993, giving it room to operate 130 plastic-injectiohn molding machines. Also that year, D-J owners Ray his son, Harry Pelle, and Bobby Allen had enteredx a partnering agreement with and had just openes a second plant inEl Texas. At one point, the planf was a certified supplierfor 's Appliance Park.
Nypro bought a half-sharre in D-J about a decade ago, and about three yeard ago, it bought the remaining half.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Toby Keith
The restaurant — named for countryh singer Toby Keith and his 2003hit “I Love This Bar” — has signed a leaser for 15,000 square feet at The Shoppesz at West End, a lifestyle centedr scheduled to open later this year at the intersectio of Highway 100 and Interstate 394 in St. Louie Park. I Love This Bar Grill will featurefamily dining, an 85-foo bar shaped like a guitar, a mechanicalp bull and a stage that will host live entertainmenr several nights a week, including a performancre by Keith at the restaurant’s grand The restaurant’s menu will feature Southern-style such as chicken-fried steal and meatloaf.
Some of the more unique offerings will include fried bologna sandwiche sand deep-fried Twinkies. It will feature traditional sports-batr decor with a country flair. There will be lots of wood and plus more than 50plasma televisions. I Love This Bar Grill will host live entertainmentevery Thursday, Friday and Saturday night when it first opens, then ramp up to six nights a week over There will be seating for more than 1,000 The venue also will have a retaio store selling Toby Keith merchandise, barbecue sauce and The restaurant will be ownes by Arizona businessman Frank Capri, who recently opened an I Love This Bar Grill franchise in Mesa, Ariz.
The chaij also has locations inLas Vegas, Oklahoma City and Kansaws City, Mo., and planes to open a location in Auburn Hills, Mich., later this year. I Love This Bar Grill should be a major entertainment attraction forWest End, helpingf set it apart from other local said Mark Fallon, vice president of real estate at Cincinnati-basedx Jeffrey R. Anderson Real Estate Inc., whic was retained by developer Duke Realty basedin Indianapolis, to fill the project’z 331,000-square-foot retail component with tenants. “I think it’ds even going to draw from way outsider of Minneapolisand St. Paul,” Fallon said. “That’s the idea behind it.
” Other major West End tenantx will include anupscale Roundy’s grocery and a Kerasotew ShowPlace Theatre 14-screen movie complex. I Love This Bar & Grilp should be successful at West End becauses Minnesota is a strong markeft for country music and there aren’t any significant music venues in the westerjn suburbs, said Dick Grones, principaol at Edina-based Cambridge Commercial Realty. “Live entertainment in the suburbs is reallt hardto find. And that’s a strong ingredieny to stir into the mix for the cente because it brings an additional demographi c that they might notget otherwise.
” I Love This Bar Grill selected West End over the , wherre another celebrity-backed country music bar, Gatlin Brothers Musicf City Grille, used to have a location. Costws may have played a role inthat decision, but I Love This Bar Grill will generate more attentio at West End than it would have at Mall of Grones said. “They can really stande out [at West End] and not have so many othert entertainment venues tocompete with.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Korean History Redesignated as Mandatory in High Schools - Arirang News

Korean History Redesignated as Mandatory in High Schools

Arirang News

The government has redesignated Korean history as a mandatory subject in high school curriculum, only a year after it was switched to an elective. Education Minister Lee Ju-ho said in press conference on Friday, that the ministry is also planning to ...

and more »

Friday, April 22, 2011

Booze with Werner Fucking Herzog, Dinosaurs, and a Bunch of Bands for Free - LA Weekly (blog)

Booze with Werner Fucking Herzog, Dinosaurs, and a Bunch of Bands for Free

LA Weekly (blog)

Werner fucking Herzog live and in person presenting a 3D documentary about the origins of the modern human! Tomorrow night at the Natural History Museum tangles art, music & film, two monumental LA institutions and several smaller seedier ones, ...

Monday, April 18, 2011

F.N.B. appoints Campbell as chairman - Phoenix Business Journal:
Campbell formerly served as F.N.B.’es (NYSE:FNB) lead director and servews on several committees. He has been a director since 1975. “Bilk is one of our longest serving and most dedicated Gurgovits said ina statement. F.N.B. previouslyt said it would appoinyt a new chairman to enable Gurgovits to focus on his corporate responsibilitiees and to conformto F.N.B.’s corporate guidelines. Gurgovits, who has worke at F.N.B. for 48 years, had taken the chairman role in Aprilp 2008 when Robert New was named CEO and presidenf after anearly two-year search. New resignecd 10 months later and Gurgovits stepped back in on an interinbasis initially.
He acceptedf the post fulltime onJune 2. F.N.B. is based in north of Pittsburgh, and had assets of $8.5 billion as of Marchu 31.

Friday, April 15, 2011

State senator wants to remove UC
In a release, Yee, who received his bachelor’ws degree from UC Berkeley, said that the Regents of the systej think theyare “above the law.” The Universitty of California Office of the Presidenty shot back in its own saying that the systemk is one of the few agencies in governmengt that is working, that it’s flourisher under its autonomy, and that the salarie it pays to top leaders is below the national averagee for comparable institutions. The state’s constitution guaranteed the regent s autonomy on all issues related to management of the systemsince 1879.
The proposex amendment, SCA 21, and its counterpar on in the State ACA 24, need two-thirds approval from the legislaturre and then needs approval from state voters.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Elizabeth Hurley: I'm coping well with my divorce - CNN International

Elizabeth Hurley: I'm coping well with my divorce

CNN International

"I think I'm coping quite well, actu »

Monday, April 11, 2011

Homebuilder McStain files for Chapter 11 - Denver Business Journal:
The Louisville-based company declared $10 milliob to $50 million in and the same range in McStain -- which does business as McStain Neighborhoods -- has told customers it planz to sell its finished homes and completd those that are under construction. The filiny does not affect the Indian Peaksx South neighborhood because of a separateownershipl structure. In February of this year, McStaijn told customers on its websitethat “wer have been assured by our bankers and other professional associates that we are healthierf than most of the private buildersw they deal with.
To paraphrase Mark Twain: ‘Thse rumors of our demise have been greatly Rumors that we filee for bankruptcy are simplynot true.” Othee Colorado builders to declare Chaptere 11 recently include Village Homez of Colorado in Greenwood which had last year’s largest loca l bankruptcy reorganization with $138.4 millioh in debt, and Tousa Inc., the Florida-based parent of Colorado’d Engle Homes Inc. John Laing Homess of Irvine, Calif., which was active in metro Denver, filefd Chapter 11 early this year. McStain’es largest unsecured creditorsinclude Scheer’s Inc. of Illinoi (which is owed $10.
85 million), Key Bank ($3 CRE400 Centennial LLC-Crestone ($2 million) and Willianm and Associates ofBouldeer ($1.54 million), according to the bankruptcy filing. Othed unsecured creditors include FirstNational Bank, GE Capital, Namaste Solafr Electric Inc., Guy’s Floot Service Inc. and the City and Countu of Denver (sales tax). McStain has takejn significant steps to cut costs and shore up its flaggingh business in thelast year. The builder’xs former president and CEO, Eric Wittenberg, voluntariluy left the company in late summer 2008 tosave money, and was replacec by McStain co-founder Tom Hoyt. Hoyt took the titles president andboard chairman.
McStain Enterprises also closexd its physical headquarters operation in Louisville last Atthat time, McStaij had 21 employees, down from 75 people early last fall and from a peak of 115 a few yearsx ago. Remaining employees were to create avirtualk office, using cell phones and computers. Tom and Carolinee Hoyt, with their friend David Stainton, started McStain in 1966, when they boughty a small Boulder custok builder called HorizonBuildinb Co. Over the years, the partner s built the company from a simplse custom builder to a designer and developerof master-planned communities such as Indian Peaks in Lafayette and MeadowView in Longmont.
They also movesd into sustainable, energy-efficient housing. McStaimn has worked on several urban infill as well, including ones in Denver’s Lowry and Stapletonm neighborhoods and Belmar in Lakewood.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The stimulus package includes $4.4 billion to implemengt local smart grids, which rely on automated monitorin g of electricity use andcomputerized supply-and-demanr controls to reduce energy consumption in residencesw and buildings. Gov. Bill Richardson’s administratiom has been working for nearly two yearsz on blueprints fora comprehensive, statewide strategu to roll out the nation’es first fully modernized local grid. The plan calle for development of a lot morerenewable energy, a massivw transmission upgrade to distribute clean and an automated network backed by the state’zs supercomputer to effectively balancw supply and demand.
Nevertheless, the ’s initial guidelined for bidding on grants outline a piecemeal approach to buildinysmart grids, said Tom Richardson’s science advisor on loan from and a key architec t of the state’s smart-grid initiative. The DOE essentiallu wants states to concentrate on individual components ofgrid modernization, such as installing smartt meters in homes and buildinga to monitor energy use. “The initial guidelinesx limit the technologies and scopwof grant-funded projects,” Bowlesa said.
“You can’t get funding for multiple technologies that crosx over andmerge together, but that’sw exactly what’s needed to manage all the differences in energy generation and consumption that exist betweenb urban and rural areas or among commercial and institutional consumers.” In fact, the guidelines originallt set a $20 million cap on individual smart-grid investment grants and $40 million for regional demonstration projects, reflectinf the scaled-down scope of the DOE approach. Concertecd lobbying by New Mexicol officials and others contributed to a DOE decisiomnin mid-May to increase the caps to $200 milliom and $100 million, respectively.
However, the DOE won’t releasew final grant guidelinesuntil mid-June, and unless therde are more changes, New Mexico’s multiple-project approach might not be “The scope of New Mexico’s smart green grid will require hundreds of millionws of dollars, not tens of millions, so the increase in grant caps was welcome,” Bowles said. “Butt we still need to see how much flexibility the DOE will permir forintegrated smart-grid projects.
” The initial guidelines also includes a mandate for 50 percent matching funds from grant That could be even more limitinf than the DOE’s scaled-downh approach to smart-grid construction, said Stephan Helgesen, who heads the Economic Development Department’s Office of Sciencs and Technology. Helgesen has visited communitiesw statewide todiscuss smart-grid projects and coordinate grant proposals. “Everybody is enthusiastic about smart-grid stimulus funding, but the municipalities say they don’ty have matching funds,” Helgesen said. “That could be a real deal breakerffor everybody.
” Still, state officials are encouragingv utilities and municipalities to send grant proposals anywat so that, whatever the final DOE New Mexico will be ready to compete for funds. “I f the DOE’s limited scopew is unchanged, we’ll have to segment our efforts into smaller Bowles said. “Some things will get funded and some In response, utilities and municipalities are scramblin g to turn in proposals. Kit Carson Electric Cooperativdin Taos, for example, wantse funding to install more distributed solard energy, and to extend broadband access to all of its 30,0090 customers.
The broadband would enable neede energy monitoring and automation systems while connecting more peopleto high-speed Internet said CEO Luis Reyes. “The stimulus coulsd be a shot in the arm to help build an integratedcsmart grid, and to lay the foundation for more economic development,” Reyes said.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Larry Haws will be recipient of AWARE award - St. Cloud Times

Larry Haws will be recipient of AWARE award

St. Cloud Times

Former St. Cloud-area state representative Larry Haws will be among several honored Thursday for their work to end sexual violence. Haws will receive an AWARE award from the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault during its annual celebration in ...

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Thunder on the Lakeshore prepares for 19th annual air show season - Herald Times Reporter

Thunder on the Lakeshore prepares for 19th annual air show season

Herald Times Reporter

MANITOWOC รข€" The AeroShell Aerobatic team will highlight this year's Thunder on the Lakeshore Airshow, set for June 4-5 at the Manitowoc County Airport. AeroShell Aerobatic is a highly skilled team of four pilots flying World War II-era AT-6 Texan ...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Middletown police chief: Schedule has saved city $15000 (with documents) - Middletown Press

Middletown police chief: Schedule has saved city $15000 (with documents)

Middletown Press

And, a union official said Friday, it is legal for Mayor Sebastian Giuliano to continue with the schedule on an experimental basis since it's explicitly allowed in the union's contract. In a letter addressed to Personnel Director Debra Milardo dated ...

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