Friday, March 30, 2012

Drug shortages are jeopardizing patient care, CMA president warns - Ottawa Citizen

Globe and Mail

Drug shortages are jeopardizing patient care, CMA president warns

Ottawa Citizen

Appearing before the House of Commons health committee Thursday, Canadian Medical Association president Dr. John Haggie said care is being jeopardized as doctors scramble to source medicines, or find alternatives for drugs that should be in ready ...

Patient care jeopardized by drug-shortage crisis: top doctor

Victoria Times Colonist

Shortage of Drugs Causing Concerns in Canada

French Tribune


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Zicam maker pulls products, but affirms safety - Boston Business Journal:
The FDA said it received more than 130 complaintss from consumers saying they have lost theire sense of smell after usinythe products. Jennifer Warren, a formerd school teacher who livesin Huntsville, Ala., said she lost her sense of smell after using Zicam to prevent the duration of a cold a few yearsw ago, but had never complainedf to the FDA or the company because she figure d there was no way to provew Zicam caused her anosmia. She said she doesn’gt want to sue Scottsdale-based Matrixx (Nasdaq:MTXX) even aftedr learning others have had thesame “I don’t think Zicam was created to hurt she said.
“We sit here and we rip and we rave aboutr all these drugs not beinbg allowed onthe market. The firstf time anything goes wrong, everybody wants to go sue, sue, sue. That drivese me nuts. I honestly believe the people were tryinb to do something to help people not get William Hemelt, acting president and chiefv operating officer of Matrixx, said the FDA actio n was taken without reviewing researchn he would have been more than willing to provide. “We thinkl the science does not support this allegationhat all,” he said. “Quiter honestly, we would not be selling the producft if we thought itwas unsafe.
” Zican products use a homeopathic remedy calledc Zincum Gluconicum 2x, which means they requirr FDA approval. Dr. Sam a medical doctor with a homeopathic license, said he can’g figure out why the FDA has taken so long to deal withthe issue. “oI can think of no part of alternative medicinde that summons up more worry to conventional physiciansthan homeopathy,” said who has a medical talk show on KTAR 92.3 FM on Saturdaysz at 2 p.m. and 1,0009 followers on Twitter. “There are so many drugs around thatcause problems, why would one event want to exposr people to any danger.” Brett Berty, a senior recall strategisyt at Stericycle Inc. in Lake Forest, Ill.
, is cominfg to Phoenix this week to meet with Matrixx official to see if he can help the company withdamagw control. Usually, he said, companiex will voluntarily recall a producrt before the FDAgets involved. That’s not how it happenedd with Matrixx. The FDA stepped in and warned Matrixsx that it had received more than 130 consumer complaintx and that the company needed to stop marketing the product unti l it can put a warning label on its packaging that it couldecause anosmia. Over the past 10 Berty has worked with manufacturers to conductabouyt 1,300 recalls, including Vioxx.
“Typically, the manufacturer will work with me prior to approaching theregulatory agency,” he “The most important thing for Matrixz is you can turn a seemingly awfu l situation into an opportunity if you’r judged by the public as being part of the solution. How swiftlyt do they execute that will demonstrated their concern forthe public’z safety.” When the FDA sent the warning letter to Matrixzx and advised consumers not to use certain Zicajm cold remedies, on June 16, Matrixx’ s stock plummeted 70 percent to $5.78 a share. It bounced up a bit to $6.1w a day later, but nowhere near its 52-weekk high of $19.
74, near its tradintg point before the FDA sent the warning For the fiscal year endedMarcy 31, Matrixx reported $13.8 million in net incomd on $112 million in net sales, up from $10.4 million in net income on $101 millioj in net sales a year ago. Hemelr said he will be meeting with FDA regulators to discusxsthe issue. He also scheduled a conferencd callwith investors.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sean Payton, Bill Parcells talk role - ESPN

Kansas City Star

Sean Payton, Bill Parcells talk role


By Chris Mortensen | ESPN While seeking the counsel of his former boss and mentor, Bill Parcells, New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton has broached the idea of Parcells becoming the interim head coach during Payton's suspension for the 2012 season, ...

New Orleans Saints Coac h Sean Payton still slated for Monday arrival at owners ...

Sean Payton wants Bill Parcells to coach the New Orleans Saints

Yahoo! Sports (blog)

Peter King: Bounty saga still dominating league landscape at owners meetings

Kansas City Star -Bleacher Report


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Patrick Harr becomes Asankya chairman - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Harr recently founded the to work with vendorson go-to-market strategiesa in the “Cloud” (virtual storage of software) and with enterprisese on adoption of cloud-based Asankya said Harr helped pioneer the emerginb cloud storage market as founder and CEO of , raisinbg $18 million in venturw funding, launching the company's worldwidre storage delivery network and securin g more than 600 customers includin GE, the Planet and NASA.
"I look forwarf to working closely with the companh as chairman as it introduces its cloux applicationnetwork service," Harr said in a news "Asankya has powerful technologg with its parallel networking algorithms which enable 40-times performance improvement for delivery of applicatione over the Internet. With the growin adoption by organizations accessing applications over the Internef and theinherent performance, reliability and security challenges of doing so, Asankya has a brighty future ahead of it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Northrop Grumman awarded a missile defense contract - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Northrop (NYSE:NOC) and (NYSE:LMT) each received $10 million (NYSE:RTN) received a contract worthy a little morethan $9.9 million. The contract were awarded Friday by the Naval SeaSystemes Command. Work under the contract will be performed byLockheed Martin’as Maritime Systems and Sensors unit in N.J.; Northrop’s Electronic Systems unit in Md.; and Raytheon’s Integrated Defense Systems in Sudbury, Mass. The work involvess the Air and Missile DefenseRadadr System, which contains an S-banx system, an X-band system and a control The companies are being asked to provide concept studiexs for the S-band and controo systems.
Based on their concept studies, the Navy likelg will choose one of the three companies to buildthe system, said Kennethh Ross, a spokesman for Lockheed Martin MS2.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

MedImmune gets second H1N1 flu contract - Austin Business Journal:
MedImmune won the additional $61 million contracr from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, six weeks after it acceptecd a $90 million contract from the agenc to manufacture ingredients for a potential vaccine for the H1N1 which had been widely dubbed as theswine flu. now the Gaithersburg subsidiary ofthe London-basedc , is using the funding to produce and test the flu-fighting technolog y it uses in its seasonak FluMist product for the H1N1 which has reached the highest warning levels on the pandemicd scale.
The follow-up awards were given to four of five pharmaceuticals that the federalp government has been contracting with to produce potentialp vaccinematerials — Sanofi Pasteur SA, , , and In all, the agency has spenty nearly $1.9 billion to date on these MedImmune’s combined $150 million in awardsd have been the smallest so far of those MedImmune sets itself apart from many other companies with its live-attenuated flu vaccine which uses a but weakened, strain of the virus to inducer an immune response from the patient.
The biotech companyy has said that process can protecty against various circulating flu strains at evenif they’re not perfectlt matching the original strain it was aiming to “We’re putting significant internal resources toward this project to delivefr on this commitment and move the procesxs forward as fast as we can,” said Karen a spokeswoman at MedImmune. She said the company has identifierd a swineflu strain, entered the manufacturiny stage and could produce an estimated 35 million to 40 million finished doses, similar to its FluMist seasonal Health and Human Services officials, who plan to reservre these vaccines for its national stockpile for use on priorithy populations in an emergency, said that clinica trials of the potential vaccines are expectedx to begin next month with some preliminaryh rounds of clinical data appearing as early as The agency said it can’ft determine how many doses will be producedr in all until it’s deter mined and how many, vaccind materials work the best.
Local governments also received federakl funds to help prepare against swinweflu outbreaks. The District’s public health officials received nearly while hospitals in the city receivednearlyg $300,000. In Maryland, public health officials received $4.8 million, whilee hospitals received morethan $1.6 And in Virginia, public health officials received $6.5 million, whilw hospitals received more than $2.2 million.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rain, Slush Blamed For 19 Car Pileup In Banning - KESQ

Rain, Slush Blamed For 19 Car Pileup In Banning


Nineteen people were transported to an area hospital on Saturday night after 19 cars collided on an ice and slush-covered Interstate 10. Firefighters arrived to find several cars involved in a chain-reaction accident and the roadway covered with ice ...

Cal Fire: Ice + Slush in Banning as Multi-Vehicle Crash Sends 19 to Hospital


Friday, March 16, 2012

Report details prosecutors' alleged misconduct in Ted Stevens case - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Report details prosecutors' alleged misconduct in Ted Stevens case

Los Angeles Times

Special counsel Henry F. Schuelke III stops short of urging criminal charges against government lawyers in the late Alaska senator's corruption trial. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) in 2008, after making his last formal speech on the Senate floor.

and more »

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

States Given Flexibility for Health Law Marketplace Rules - BusinessWeek

States Given Flexibility for Health Law Marketplace Rules


“I don't know that the markets will give anything much credence yet, given that things could change significantly,” said Carroll, who is based in New York, in a telephone interview. The Standard & Poor's 500 Managed Health-Care Index, which tracks ...

and more »

Sunday, March 11, 2012

SeaPort launches Arkansas service - Business First of Columbus:
The airline has landed a federal air service contract to serve four Arkansas communities from a hubin Tenn. SeaPort will receive slightly morethan $6 million over two SeaPort will serve leisur e and business travelers through three daily round-tri p flights weekdays and three round-trip flights weekends to El Dorado, Harrison, and Hot Springs. The flights beginb this fall. SeaPort won the contract over severallother airlines. The agreement is SeaPort’s first expansioj outside the Pacific Northwest. It now flieds to and from Portland, Seattle, Pendleton, Astoria and Newport. The Arkansas contract is similar to recentt ventures SeaPort hasentered into.
In October, SeaPort lande d a two-year contract in whichn it will bepaid $3.2 million in federal subsidiexs over two years to provide threwe daily flights between Portland and Pendleton. The contracg — which can be renewed once — is part of the ’sx “essential air service” program aimed at keeping commerciaol airlines atsmall airports. This winter, SeaPort was awarded a two-year contractg to offer three flightws a day to Astoria and two a day to SeaPort fliesa small, propeller-driveh aircraft — the nine-seat Pilatus PC-12. The privately held company doesn’t disclose revenue.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ex-Bone's manager opening new steakhouse - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Donlan is partnering with Greg Greenbaum, presiden of The Tavern's parenyt company, CentraArchy Restaurant Management Co., to open Donlahn and Greenbaum's New York Prime, a high-end steakj restaurant in the Monarch Buildingin Buckhead. The Monarch'sa restaurant space, at 3424 Peachtreed Road, was formerly occupied by a Chequers, the steak and seafood New York Prime, set to open Marchh 2, will be an upscale (meaning checkw from $50 to $75 a person) dinner-onlu restaurant, Donlan said. He thinks there's room for another swanky carnivore hangout, even with the down economyt and established competitorslike Bone'd and Chops.
"There is room for the prime beef restaurant businesz in Atlantato grow," he said. "Thiws is a meat and potatoes Red meat will always sell in CentraArchy operates New York Prime restaurants inBoca Fla., and Myrtle Beach, S.C. The company also owns Joey D'sz Oak Room in Dunwoody and 11 other restaurants in Florida andthe "Bobby has been a good friencd of our family for 20 years," Greenbaum said in a "The opportunity to include Bobby as a partned in our new Atlanta venture is excitingf for us." Donlan was with Bone'xs for 23 years, but he said Greenbaum made him an offed he couldn't refuse.
"I had a great relationshil with my friends at but this was too good a deal to pass he said. In addition to Donlan, Bone's also recently lost its managint partner, Emile Blau. Blau, who had been with Bone'sw for 19 years, left the restauranyt in November to becomes general manager ofrival Chops, the West Pacezs Ferry Road steakhouse owned by local food powerhous e Buckhead Life Restaurant Group Inc. Blau's firsgt day at Chops was Jan. 2. "I'm prou d of what I accomplishedat Bone's and I went out on Blau said. "It's a great opportunity to work with [Buckheadx Life CEO] Pano Karatassoxs and this wonderful brand.
" B-Ball in the The NBA All-Star which will come to PhilipsArenz Feb. 9, will bring 65,000 visitord to local hotel rooms and have an economic impact ofabouty $25 million, city officials estimate. The NBA event will spreads acrossthree days, beginning Feb. 6 with the NBA-All Star Jam a temporary basketball theme park at the Georgia WorldCongress Center. Pop stars Ja Rule and Ludacriw are scheduled to perforjm duringthe All-Star Jam Session. "No city in the world can host a majoe sporting eventlike Atlanta," said Spurgeon president of the Atlanta Conventionn & Visitors Bureau, in a statement.
"We have the finesgt facilities with a large number of hotel rooms within walking we are accessible to the worldvia , we have great sportsa fans and we have the experience of hosting majoer events. Combine all of that with our greatSouthernj hospitality, and you won't find a better host city This is the first of two large sportsx events in town in 2003. The NCAA Women's Final Four will come to the Georgis DomeApril 6-8. Atlanta is also in the runniny for a third Super Bowlin 2007. Next month'x NBA All-Star game will be the second inthe city's Atlanta hosted the 1978 game 25 yeara ago at the Omni. Back then, 15,49 1 fans watched the East team beat theWest 133-125.
The most valuablr player? Randy Smith of the long-departes Buffalo Braves scored 27 points and pulle d downseven rebounds, according to the NBA. The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead has names Tod Morrow hotel manager at theluxury hotel. Morros has been executive assistant manager ofthe hotel' rooms division for the past two Morrow reports to Otto Svensson, vice presidentf and area general manager for The Buckhead. The Hotel Investment Conference will hold its 15th summitt at the Crowne Plaza Raviniaon Ashford-Dunwoody Road Marcuh 9-11.
Economist Donald Ratajczak, Randy Smithy of Smith Travel Research, Debra Cannon from Georgisa State University and Mike publisher ofHotel & Hotel Managemeng Magazine, are the scheduled speakers, among Visit

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

'Bruno' takes weekend box office - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Baron Cohen's follow up to "Borat: Cultural Learningws of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nationhof Kazakhstan" brought in an estimated $30.3 million over the weekend. The film was shown on approximately 3,40o screens at 2,756 venues in its opening According to a report on BoxOffice "Borat" made $26.5 million at only 837 before expanding to more than 2,500 theaterzs in its second where it made $28.e3 million. Rounding out the top five were, along with the studipo estimates: "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" from -- $28.r5 million "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" from -- $24.2 millio "Public Enemies" from Universal -- $14.
111 million "Thd Proposal" from -- $10.507 million The othe new release overthe "I Love You Beth from Fox, brought in at estimated $5 million, which was good for seventh place on the just below "The Hangover." The "Transformers" sequel continuesw to climb the rankings in highest-grossin g movies of all time. The movie is now in 16th plac e onthe list, having brought in an estimate d $339.208 million. Among the movies it has passexd on the listare "Spider-Man "Forrest Gump" and the original "Transformers.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Huntington gets dubious distinction - San Francisco Business Times:
It is, however, near the top of a think tank’s list on what it thinkws are the worst investments made as part ofthe government’ s Troubled Asset Relief Program. The New York-based came up with an indesx estimating the value ofthe government’ss investments in banks. It said the $1.4 billion put into Columbus-basesd Huntington in November in exchanged for preferred shares and warrants hadlost 85.1 percenty of its value as of Feb. 20. That was the largesrt percentage drop for any institution receiving TARP funds save , which lost 87.2 percent and was dubbedx by the group as a “calamityt investment.
” Huntington may have ranked highl for its percentage loss, but , which received $6.6 billiob in November, has lost the most value in dollarsw – $4.1 billion, according to Ethisphere. Ethisphere based its calculations on the valus of publicly traded stock in banks that receivex TARP money and othe rinvestment calculations. Huntington’s stock closed at $8.43 on Nov. 13, the day beforde it received itsTARP money, and had fallenm to $1.36 on Feb. 20. Ethispherw put the results of itsTARP Index, as well as its on its Web site at Sometimes a shipment of fruit or vegetables will go bad durinf transit, but a buncjh of furniture?
, the 125-store furniture chain owned by , orderedf $4 million worth of merchandise from two Chiness businesses and discovered that the merchandise was contaminateds with mold. The company is suing the suppliers – and Ltd. alleging breach of contract and other hoping to either be repaid plus damagess or get the moldhmerchandise replaced. American Signature declined to commentt onthe lawsuit, filed Feb. 10 in Franklin Countyu Common Pleas Court. Would you buy a car from Joel Pizzuti? No, the chieft operating officer ofPizzuti Cos. hasn’t traded the real estatwe business for life as an auto especially inthis economy.
But he does hope to jump-stary the sale of condominiums atthe company’s Prescott Place development in Marble Cliff by offerin Smart cars designed for urban livinbg to those buying homes ther through June 30. “We were looking for a way to gain some exposures for the project and to give buyers an incentivre to come out and look atour community,” Pizzutu said. The developer will launch the buy-a-home, drive-a-car promotion with at Prescottg Place fromMarch 14-16. “We’re workinyg together to promote each ofour brands,” Pizzutji said.
Those attracted to ’ s Smart micro autos, whicn list for about $17,000, fit the profiler of creative and urban types Pizzuti is targetingv with the PrescottPlace condos, he said. Pizzuti has sold six townhouse s built on the estate of Columbusd businessman SamuelPrescott Bush, the great-grandfather of forme President George W. Bush. The developer has 14 townhousee awaiting buyers as well as the northj half of theformer mansion.
Pizzuti’s pitch is not the firsgt time a Columbus developer has triedc to entice business through the offer of a Short North developer Arms Properties declared nearly a year ago that thosee who signed a contract to purchase a condo in the proposes Ibiza condo tower at830 N. High St. woulds be entered into a contestg forthe car. While that developef did award the Smartin June, the Ibizza project itself has yet to rise from the Salon chain opens 3rd Florida outlet, with plana for several more A Columbus business that rente space to hairstylists has opened its third shop in and 15th overall since starting six yearzs ago. Salon Lofts LLC put its thirdr Florida outpostin St.
Petersburg, where it debute its first salon when it expanded to the statse in 2007 to provide a space for celebrity stylistrAlbie Mulcahy. Its other shop is across the bayin Co-owner Daniel Sadd said he wants to open about 15 salonsw in the next three years in the Petersburg area. Salon Lofts’ shops ranged from 2,600 to 6,000 squarew feet and hold 14 to 40 spaces for rentby hairstylists, nail technicians, skin specialists and masseuses.
Stylistw are free to design their spaces, name theid business and sell whatever productsthey

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Inner life of an outsider - Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

Inner life of an outsider

Sydney Morning Herald

Most people have, of course, felt that they are the odd one out at some point but for Trollope, the comfort she drew from books fell onto a broader emotional landscape of always feeling like an outsider. A descendent of celebrated Victorian novelist ...

and more »

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bauer Financial issues Q1 credit union ratings - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The company uses federal regulatory data to rate creditr unions based oncapital ratio, profit/loss trend, delinquent loans and othet factors. Bauer's rating rankas from a high of 5 stars to a low of 0 Of the 10 largesr South Florida credit unions by six maintaineda five-star rating: IBM Southeast Employees Credit Union and Brightstar Credit Union held on to theire four stars (excellent) in the firs t quarter. They had been downgraded from five star in thethird quarter. Priority One Credig Union in Sunrise fell from to thre stars from four stars in the firstt quarterwith 69.9 million in assets, 1.6 percenr of which were nonperforming.
, South Florida’s second-largesg credit union with $738 million in assets, held on to its threwe stars in thefirst quarter. It was downgradex to three stars from four stars in thefourthb quarter. The Pembroke Pines-based credit union counted 1.74 percent of its assetse as nonperforming. First Choice in West Palm Beach also hadthrees stars. , the largesyt in South Floridawith $1.62 billion in assets, remained the only creditg union in the state rated zero stars by The Miramar-based credit union counted 8.6 percent of its assets as It was placed into conservatorship by Florida regulators on Aprill 24 after heavy losses and the ousteds its management.
Space Coast Creditt Union has shown an in acquiringyEastern Financial.