Sunday, May 29, 2011

Withdrawals top deposits at food banks - San Francisco Business Times:
Alameda County has seen a 46 percent increase so far this year in peoplew seekingsupplemental food. "January 2007 is the only month this year whersewe didn't have a historic number of referrals," said Suzan executive director of the . By the end of October, it had alreadg exceeded the number of referrals it made in allof 2006. Nor is Alameda an anomaly. In San Francisco, 11 new communityy pantries reached capacity within two weekdsof opening, without any promotion.
Demanrd is up about 5 percent in Contras Costa andSolano counties, said Larry Sly, executive director of the food bank And Santa Clara and San Mateo counties have seen a 16 percentr increase over last year; it had only budgeteed for a 10 percent increase. "We'rse seeing higher demand in our communities as a resultf ofhousing costs, foreclosures, fuel costs, energuy costs, health care costs," said Chip Huggins, CEO of of Santas Clara and San Mateo Counties. "We're servin g a majority of the working poor. As the cost of livingy goes up, expenses go up and need goes up.
We'res trying to respond to These four food banks feedover 400,000 peoplse a month between them, at a conservatived estimate. Feeding growing demand without rationingf distributions isa region-wide A primary challenge is a shortfallp in donations -- both dollars and cans at food Most food banks run their biggest food drive of the year from October throughh January. Second Harvest of Santza Clara and San Mateo Counties to date has collectesdjust 500,000 pounds of its 2 millio n pound goal with less than two monthds to go. Cash donation are off, too; it has raised $1.3 milliojn of a $5 million goal, Hugginds said.
The Alameda food bank has raisedonly 260,0090 pounds of its 750,000 pouned goal, and shelf-stable donations in particulare are down. Bateson likes to keep a supply of such productx on handfor emergencies, but that supply is 500,0000 pounds below where it was a year ago because she has had to dip into it. Paul Ash is similarlu concerned about a decrease in nonperishable food he said inventoryon Dec. 1 was down 15 percentt from a year ago.
His warehouse at the has Costco-likr shelves stretching from floorto "This time of I usually can't see through the shelves becauswe they're really full," Ash "Right now as I look out, I can see clead across the warehouse because there are so many open spaces." Food bankw have been able to make up the shortfall with increaserd fresh produce, but that is a short-termj solution. "You can't go to a cupboar four days later and pullout lettuce," Batesoh said. "We need a little bit of produceand shelf-stable foods, to make sure we're adequatelgy nourished.
" All area food banks traditionally receive up to 30 percen from government commodity donations, but those are way Huggins said his organization has receive 60 percent less from the governmenyt this year, and Ash said his allocationj of nonperishable food from the government has shrunk from 3.5 millionm pounds to 1.4 million pounds over the past thre e years. Statewide, other crises -- from the freezees at the beginning of this year to the recent southerhn Californiafires -- have divertee food that might otherwise have fed the Bay Bateson said. So have militaru appropriations. Too, the failure to pass the farm bill has hurt the supplt of commoditiesthe U.S.D.A.
can Compounding that, food manufacturers and retailers are donating less than they once did as they have founxd secondary markets for damaged food items andtightenexd inventories. These trends hurt food banks even as hungerhas "I worry about the mid-January throughb mid-April period, where we see the leas amount of fresh produce cominf in," Ash said. "If we go into that with a low suppltof shelf-stable product, that's a little bit of a traihn collision." Food banks use their cash to make up the shortfallp of food donations. "Our reserve is our abilithy topurchase food," Sly said.
"If we had to depensd on donated food, aside from we'd be in really big Huggins said his organization has one of the largesg food purchasing budgets aroundat $6 million. the soaring cost of food means he can buy fewer poundzsper dollar, and he is dippinhg into cash reserves earlier than in years "If this continues and we don't get a responsew (from the community), we'll have to cut programxs in the new calendar year and that will affecr people," Huggins said. "This is not the only time of year that peopleware hungry.

Friday, May 27, 2011

CoBiz posts $16M Q2 loss, begins stock sale - Washington Business Journal:
million, or 72 centss per share, in the second quarter, as the weak economyt continued to exact a toll on the officialssaid Monday. The loss compares with a profigof $4.2 million, or 18 cente per share, in the same quarter a year earlier. Denver-bases CoBiz (NASDAQ: COBZ) owns and Arizona Businesxs Bank. The latest quarter’s results include a $35.1 million pre-tax provisioj for loan and credit or 150 percent ofnet charge-offs which were $23.4 million — for the period. “W continue to take a conservative posture in our provisioninfg forloan losses,” Chairman and CEO Steve Bangert said in a statement.
“Our seconr quarter provision brings our allowancw to loan ratio tonearly 3.9 percent, one of the strongesy in the industry. While I remain confident in oursenior management’s ability to effectively respond to the current credift obstacles, we felt it was prudent to continue buildingt the allowance given the uncertainty in the economy.” Nonperformintg assets ended the quarter at $93.99 million, or 3.7 percent of total up from $52.5 million or 2 percent of total assets on Marc 31. Separately on Monday, CoBisz said it had begun a sale ofabout $45 milliob of its common stock.
It will use the proceeds for generacorporate purposes, including supporting the capita needs of its bank expanding operations, possible acquisitions and workinfg capital needs. Last week, CoBiz announcedr it had hired Colorado and Arizonqamarket presidents, , to oversee banking operationz in each market. “We remain focused on building our franchises during these challenging times and want to ensurwe we are positioned to take advantage of unique market opportunities that we expecy willpresent themselves,” Bangert “To that end, we recentluy announced the hiring of Colorado and Arizona marke presidents who will oversee all bankinh operations in their respective markets, providew direction for future growty and free up some of our existing resources to focuw on high quality business development opportunities.
We will also continuse to dedicate appropriate resources througy our Special Assets Group to address resolutionb ofproblem loans.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bassett Furniture Gallery Will Liquidate Floor Samples - Einnews Portugal

House Siding

Bassett Furniture Gallery Will Liquidate Floor Samples

Einnews Portugal

Melbourne Florida - May 24, 2011 -- The Bassett Furniture Gallery in Melbourne Florida, announced they will liquidate over $5000000 of showroom and warehouse stock to revamp their entire store display. The bold TOTAL LIQUIDATION move will be to serve ...

and more »

Sunday, May 22, 2011

DA weighs coalition in Bitou - Independent Online

cement siding

Independent Online

DA weighs coalition in Bitou

Independent Online

The control of Plettenberg Bay, which forms part of the Bitou area, still hangs in the balance. THE BITOU Local municipality, which encompasses Plettenberg Bay, will have a hung council with Cope as the kingmaker. According to results released by the ...

and more »

Friday, May 20, 2011

Congress joins Chrysler critics over plans to dump dealers - Kansas City Business Journal:
Chrysler and General which plans toclose 1,100 dealerships by October said they need to reduce the size of their dealer networks to be more competitive with Toyota and which sell more cars in the U.S. with fewer Chrysler, in a bankruptcy court filing, argues that trimming the ranksw of its dealers will boost the profitability of the dealerwthat remain, enabling them to invesgt in improvements that will drive up sales. “After a perioed of time, and substantially improved marketing and overall sales in the reduced network are anticipated to grow beyonf current sales levels within the existing Chrysler said.
That’s highly unlikely, according to the Nationaol Association ofAutomobile Dealers. “There’s not an auto executive that I know ofthat doesn’tf acknowledge that when a dealership closes, they lose market share,” said David Hyatt, NADA’s vice president of publidc affairs. Cutting costs was not a major factorin Chrysler’ decision. The automaker will save some administrativ e expenses by having a smaller network to but that’s about it. Dealers buy theitr cars before they leavethe factory, pay for front the costs of any rebates or warrantgy work, and purchase repair equipment.
Dealers provide “a robust distributiohn network at virtually no to automakers, Hyatt said. “We’re an not a liability,” said Wade Walker, an auto dealer in Montpelier, Vt., who is scheduled to lose his Jeep franchiseJune 9. Walked and about 300 other Chryslere dealers have challenged the request for a bankruptcg judge to terminate their agreements and preempt state laws that woulsd require Chrysler to give dealers more time to wind downtheir businesses.
Chrysler has been workingv to reduce its dealer network for several That process needs to be accelerated becaused of its proposed alliancewith Fiat, it Bankruptcy courts routinely terminate contracts if doing so benefitds the debtor’s estate and is an exercise of soundr business judgment, Chrysler said in its filing. Chryslef dealers, however, contend abruptly closing dealershipsx doesn’t meet this threshold. “There is no evidenced that by rejecting dealership agreements New Chrysler will save money to any material degree or enhance its competitive position in theautomobilw industry,” said a filiny made by the Chrysler National Dealefr Council.
“To the contrary, closing dealerse narrows distribution andreduces Chrysler’s salew and income as fewer dealers buy fewer cars and retail sales are lost to otherf brands.” Chrysler’s bankruptcy judged is scheduled to hold a hearing on the issure June 3. That same day, the Senat e Commerce Committee has schedules a hearing on the Chrysler and GMdealership closings. “Thesde companies cannot be allowed to take taxpayer funds for a and then leave local dealers and their customersa to fend for themselves with no real notice and no real said committee ChairmanJay Rockefeller, D-W.Va.
“We must ensurse that the auto dealers are treated and have the opportunitu to unwind their operationx in a manner that will minimizs hardships to employees who lose their jobs and communitiees that areadversely impacted,” said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas. Hutchison was encouraged by a promise from Chrysler PresidengJames Press, who said the company would help terminate dealers sell their vehicler and parts inventory. If the help falls Hutchison is prepared to push legislation that woulde give dealers an extraa 60 daysbefore closing. U.S. dealers: 3,2989 Vehicles sold: 1.6 million U.S. 1,242 Sales/dealer: 1,292 Vehicles 1.25 million U.S.
dealers: 1,030 Sales/dealer 1,2109 * In U.S. in 2008 Source: Chrysler LLC

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bayside, Mizner Park perform well, despite owner
Two new restaurants have opened in Miznerf Park in the lastfew months: the mid-priced Italian restaurant Villagiok and Tex-Mex eatery Uncle Todd Conger, president and COO of Unclew Julio’s, said: “We researched a numbetr of locations in the Boca Raton/Palk Beach County area, and determined that Mizner Park was our top The center is a well-established, thriving entertainment and our location within the near the and the amphitheatre, is ideal for our restaurant.” Downtown Miami’s Bayside has lost a lot of mom-and-poo stores as a result of the downturn, replacing them with some national brands like Kipling, tenants said.
In addition to Bayside and Miznert Park, GGP owns two othetr South Florida properties: the Village of Merrick Park in Coral Gablees and Pembroke Lakes Mall inPembroke Pines. None of the local properties are part of the according tothe company’s Web site. Miznetr Park continues to perform despitethe downturn, and is at 92 percentf occupancy, according to , a real estatse information company. “We are continuing to Mizner Park GM JacobSappenfield “Deals are still bein done, and it’s businesxs as usual for us.
” At Bayside, a hotspot for cruiss line tourists during the week and locals on the foot traffic has gone down significantly, said Debrw Martins, who took a part-time job at Clarksz at Bayside because her full-time job at the Gap in Aventura was not covering the bills. Baysidew has been up for sale forseverap weeks. “I don’t see how the mom-and-pops could Martins said of the tenanty turnoverat Bayside. “Business has been At the Guess Matt Meyers said GGP raised ratesat Bayside’ss parking garage and eliminated employee discounts on parkinvg prior to its bankruptcy announcement. He has also noticecd a drop in activity, especially from the cruisew lines.
Retail experts agree that the performance of GGP’s retail portfolio is not the company’s The company has been working sinced late last year to restructure its debt. One of its most ambitiousz and weighty financial decisions occurredin 2004, when GGP paid $11.4 billion to buy commercial developer , then-owner of Bayside, which has 226,009 square feet of retai and is 95 percent In what is being called the biggesg real estate failure in U.S. history, GGP, the nation’ second-largest owner of shopping malls, said Aprip 16 that it had filed for Chaptedr 11bankruptcy protection.
The company, whicy owns or manages abouty 200 malls in 44 said it was not able to get its debt holders to give it more time to refinancerits debt. GGP listed $29.5 billion in totall assets andabout $27.3 billion in debt. In additiom to the company, about 158 of its regional shopping centerws and certain subsidiaries have also filedfor protection. The compant said on its Web site thatcertaib subsidiaries, including GGP’s third-party managementy business conducted by General Growth Management, and GGP’s jointr ventures also have not filedf for protection.
“Over many months, the company has endeavoredc to negotiate with its unsecured and securef creditors to obtain the time needed to develooa long-term solution to the crediy crisis facing the company,” the statemenf said. “Unable to reach an out-of-court the company reluctantly concluded that restructuring under the protectiobn of the bankruptcy courtwas necessary.” Marc Boucher is presidenft of , which has offices in Cora Gables and Boca Raton. SEC owns and managesw dozens of retailshopping centers, most of which are Those types of properties, which include retailers selling affordablre necessities, continue to do well.
The overalpl retail market, however, is with the high-end storesz taking some of the biggest Boucher saidMizner Park, whicgh traditionally has catered to a high-enx clientele, is bucking the trend. “It has some stabl tenants,” he said. “Mizner has been around 15 or 20yearss now. It’s a center that has stability.”

Monday, May 16, 2011

Museum of Science to launch wind lab - Boston Business Journal:
The lab, a part of the museum’s gree n initiative, will demonstrate smalk wind turbines that could be erected on smallo businessesand homes. When five turbines — ranging betweejn 40 feet and seven feet inheight — will rest on the museum’sa roof. Two of the turbines are operationapl on the Cambridge side of the with the other three to be installed on the Bostoj sidethis summer. “This is a giant science says David Rabkin, Farinom Director for current science and technolog y atthe museum, in a prepared writtenn statement. “No one has tested five differentf small turbines in arooftoop laboratory.
Although there’s lots of interest in small-scalde wind turbines, we found little data on theirt performanceand impact. Despite a year of collecting data on the wind at the westill don’t really know enougjh about the turbines to predict their performance.” The lab came out of earlu efforts to use wind to meet a portion of the museum’sx energy needs. Studies showed the area’s wind resources were not stront enough to generate meaningful so the museum andthe ’s Renewabl e Energy Trust refocused the projecyt to provide information to potentialp turbine owners on differences in design and function of varioue turbines.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Obama offers 7-year protection for biotech drugs - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The biopharmaceutical industry has argued that the five years of protectiom offered by Waxmanin H.R. 1427 would stifle But the in a report earlier this montb said the 12 to 14 years that the industryu has said publicly that it wantas also would hurt innovation anddelay patients’ acces s to cheaper drugs. Eshoo’s H.R. 1548 callss for a 12-year period of data basically protecting the patents covering innovativebiotech therapies.
In a letterr to Waxman, Nancy-Ann DeParle, Obama’s health-carer reform director, and budget directo r Peter Orszagsaid “the seven-yeart policy in the FY 2010 Budger is a generous compromisse between what the FTC research has concluded and what the pharmaceutica industry has advocated.” , however, said it is “extremel y concerned” that the seven-year plan is “a risk shortcut to biosimilars.
” “We believe this abbreviated perioed will undermine the incentives necessaryu for continued biotech research into breakthrough medicinee and cures for diseases such as cancer, multiplde sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and HIV/AIDS as well as unmet medicall needs,” BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwood said in a Besides patent exclusivity, the industry has argued that drugs like those developeds by South San Francisco’s and other biotech companiexs can’t be copied like pharmaceuticao drugs because they are complez to make and the finishedr products can differ.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Local businesses venture onto the online social networking scene - San Francisco Business Times:
They were wrong. And this lessonm is not lost on thosee who are today increasingly turninv to online social networking Web siteslike , and to get an edge in George LeMieux, chairman of law firm , started using sociapl networking Web sites a couple monthds ago, in part to promotd his blog, The Boardroom Brief, and his e-newsletter, The LeMieux LeMieux, who divides his time among Gunster’sx South Florida offices and Tallahassee, uses his blog as a way to communicates on a wide variety of issues. The blog promotes Gunster, and social networking tools promote the LeMieux may post something on the Web that he then linkz toon Twitter.
People who followa him on Twitter seethe – an electronic message – and are more likely to read the blog Sometimes, LeMieux uses Twitter just to disseminate simple informatiomn – such as his geographical location or who he’llp be meeting at a givenm time – but it’s all about makinb connections and keeping them, he said. “I can give you a numbetr of examples of where I go to a meeting with aclientg and, before I’ve ever met the they say ‘I read The LeMieux Report,’” he said. Anotheer tool he uses is LinkedIn. That’s a more professional-orienteed Web site where people can post their biosand resumes.
The key, is that the site allowe peopleto “link” to indicating “who knows who” to users of the Person A may post a get linked to Person B. Then, Perso C, who is also linked to B, can see that B knowsa A. If A is a candidate for a job C needs to fill, for instance, the sharedc connection can be an immediate LinkedIn draws credibility from the fact that users have to get each other’s consent in order to be directlyt linked. LinkedIn sounds simple, but it’s very valuable for Mattheaw Beck, managing director of the ’s Miami office.
As a staffinyg and recruiting specialist, Beck places skilled individuals into professionaol positions in financial servicesand engineering. Whether or not he has a positiom open, Beck relies on LinkedIn as a kind ofelectronicc Rolodex. So, after meeting people at networkinf events, he makes it a point to find them on the Web site and reac outto them. “It’s a good way to network with Beck said. “It reall tells you more than aresume But, while social networking websitezs are potentially great marketing tools, they can cut both ways, said Joe president of the (SFIMA).
“If you’rse a person and you set up on one of thes e social networking sitesand you’rd incredibly unprofessional, it worka against you,” he said. Online records can survive indefinitely, whereaxs paper resumes are not aseasily disseminated, Laratr noted. has been using Faceboom to promote its products for aboutsix months, said Mark senior VP of marketing. The Miramar-base institution uses the Web site’ free features, as well as paid he said. While the resultz so far are mixed, Holmes said Facebooi is a promising marketing vehicle becausre advertisers can get a good demographic profile of the useras who viewthe ads.
It can show thinga like how oldpeople are, where they live and what their hobbieds are. “You can drill down pretty he said. Steve McKean, the founder and CEO of Acceller, an onlinre marketing company in Miami, said Faceboook is a natural fit forhis business. Acceller lets users do onlinee comparison shopping for telephone anddata services, so the company spends about half of its ad dollars on the Web. Most of the moneu goes to , and MSN (in that but Facebook could easily takethe No. 2 slot in the next one to two McKean said. Acceller uses Myspace, too, but the company is movinb most of its ad money away from that in favofof Facebook, McKean said.
With its emphasis on music and moreplayfupl presentation, Myspace doesn’t fit the corporate mold as well as some other sites, SFIMA’s Laratro said.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Red Roof restructuring debt after mortgage defaults - Birmingham Business Journal:
Horsham, Pa.-based , a ratingss agency that trackscommercial mortgage-backed securities for investors, said four of the company’sd mortgage loans have been reported to be 30 days delinqueng and are being transferred to a speciapl servicer. Frank Innaurato, a managing director at said the loans, collateralized by 131 Red Roof properties, totao about $361.4 million. Red Roof has four smaller mortgage loanx totalingabout $12.5 million that are current, according to a Realpoint aleryt issued late Wednesday.
The hotep chain said it is in talks with lenders to restructure debt related to the acquisitionm ofthe company’s real estate assetw “due to the current state of the lodginfg industry.” Red Roof in 2008 was spun off to two private investmen t firms for $1.3 billion and movecd back to Columbus after beingt owned by Motel 6 owner “To discussions have been highl y constructive and we expect a positives resolution in due course,” the company said in a statement. “Thes e discussions do not affectthe day-to-dauy operations of the company’s properties and will not affectt Red Roof’s employees, vendors or franchisw owners.
” A Red Roof spokeswoman declined to comment beyone the company’s statement. Red Roof has about 4,5000 employees and about 350 company-owned and franchised properties.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Watco Companies Inc. Company Profile | Company Information
Watco Companies will provide the best transportation relateed services to our customers in the most efficient and economicalomanner possible. We will provider an environment that allows our companies and our peopler to improveand grow, passing on to future generationw a company with an outstanding reputationm for customer service, profitability and quality. Watco Companiezs was started in 1983 byCharlew R. "Dick" Webb. The first operatioh was an industrial switching operation in Louisiana that is still inexistence today.
After makingf sure this operation was in control and serving the customer up to Dick started his firstmechanical operation, a railcar repairf shop in Coffeyville, Kansas with a group of hand picked employees and a determinatio n to make a difference in the quality of the From this base and the efforts of our hard workintg employees, we have grown into many facetxs of the rail industry. Our focuxs has been one of customere satisfaction in any business venture be it in or out of therail

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New York Italian restaurant among newcomers to Congress Ave. - Orlando Business Journal:
Mastrangelo is busy renovating a historic storefronr at 908 Congress Avenue where later thissummer he’llo open Quattro Gatti, the second location of his family’s famousx Manhattan ristorante. “I’m a passionate person and I’m very passionated about food,” Mastrangelo said. “Prettt much my whole life revolvesaround that. And when I came to I felt that this was a city that appreciatexsgood food, food that someone puts their heartf and soul into.” Quattro Gatti isn’gt the only culinary newcomer of late to downtown Congress. Just stepds away, the people behind local favorite El Chiled have reworked the space they opener last fall asEl Chilito.
That initial concep t offered breakfast andlunch but, basedd on demand, the owners recently turned it into another El Chile Café y Cantina, serving lunch and dinner and featuring a full bar. And a few blockzs south at 319 Congress, Applse Annies Café co-owners Love Nance and Sherry Jameson aredebuting Annies, a dramaticallty expanded reimagining of their 25-year-old restaurant. The bistro-themed eatery that now includesx a full bar will be open daily from7 a.m. to 2 serving customers everything from organic breakfast omelets to late night meatloaf in achic space.
Collectively, the new restaurants are addingh to the culture change at work on The DowntownAustin Alliance, the landlords and other groups are collaborating in an ongoingv effort to bring more retail and restaurants to downtown’ main thoroughfare. The goal: a 24/7 Congress alive with commercs and serving as a model for the rest of Indeed it wasLinda Asaf, the DAA’s retail recruiter, who helped secure Quattro Gatti for Austin. Asaf ate at the Upper East Side restaurant—one of her favorites—on a trip to New York last year and spokee with owner Remo Mastrangelo about the possibility of cominhgto Austin.
Remo Mastrangelo, Gianfranco’s started Quattro Gatti in 1985. The neighborhood-oriented restaurantr is hailed by critics as one of the best of its kind in New According toZagat “the leisurely meals with treat-you-like-familyy service make this old-linde Upper East Side Italian feel like home to many. There’ a reason it’s been there forever: supporters say the food’s Earlier this year, the Mastrangelos begahn giving serious considerationto Austin.
They came down togethefr and scouted spaces, agreeing that the Congrese location would be a great fit forthe “We had always heard good thinge about Austiin and we immediately had a good impression of the said Gianfranco Mastrangelo, who recently relocatedx here. Mastrangelo said if all goes as planned, the 2,000-square-foot Quattrk Gatti in Austin will be open by late July for lunchuand dinner. Because of his own passionm for pizza, Mastrangelo said the restaurantt will have a large brick ovenfor wood-firerd pizzas. Other plates, like the traditional fish and meat dishes made famous at the New York restaurang will also be onthe menu.
Prices shouls range from about $13 to the mid-$20s.

Monday, May 2, 2011

MaxWest poop-to-power process goes on stream - Houston Business Journal:
Houston-based MaxWest a process to convert the Cityof Sanford’w treated waste stream into methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogejn through high-temperature gasification. The city will then use thosre gases as a source of energ y instead of buyingnatural gas. At Sanford’s Soutg Water Resource Center, MaxWest dryers remove aboug 90 percent of the moisture fromthe sludge. It is then gasifierd in a near-complete Starting Thursday, the extracted gas will be used to powerrthe dryer, saving Sanford, whic is located near Orlando, an estimated $9 million over the cours e of the 20-year contract.
Sanford is the firsr municipality in North America to apply gasification technology toits wastestream. “The Sanford gasifiee will serve as the MaxWes operational education center for interested municipalities across the saidBill Baker, MaxWest’s vice president of “We’re ready to show it MaxWest has other projects on tap for including gasifying “horse muck” in