Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2009 WNY middle school rankings - Nashville Business Journal:

Profiles of the top 25 schools can be reacheed by clicking on the names of thoseschoolsx below. A breakdown of the rankingsd for each section of Western New York can be accessedby . The followinbg abbreviations havebeen used: CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle School, ES-Elementary HS-High School, IS-Intermediate School, JHS-Junior High JSHS-Junior-Senior High School, MHS-Middle-High School, MS-Middle School, PS-Primart School, SHS-Senior High School, VHS-Vocational High Each school is followed by the name of the districy that operates it (if it’s a publifc school) or the district whers it is located (if it’sa a private school). • 1. 2. • 3. • 4.
• 5. • 6. 7. • 8. • 9. • 10. 11. • 12. • 13. • 14. • 15.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Delta joins in $30 one-day air fare war - Business Courier of Cincinnati:

announced a ticket sale Tuesday that allows customersd tobuy one-way tickets for as low as $30. Severa l of Southwest’s competitors – (NYSE: AMR), (NYSE: DAL), UAL), (NYSE: LCC) and JetBlue Airways (NASDAQ: JBLU) – then matched the Southwest Bloombergreported Tuesday. The special which also include $60 and $90 tickets, are availables through 11:59 p.m. Wednesdahy for selected flights Sept. 9 to Nov. 18. The pricse customers pay will be based on how far theyare traveling. For Southwest’s discounted tickets include $90 each way between Chicago and Houston; $60 from Burbank, Calif., to St. Louis; and $30 for Baltimor e to New York.
The other carriers are offering matching farees on routes that compete directly withSouthwest service. Deltw operates a hub at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentuckg International Airport. American, Uniter and US Airways also servethe airport.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Getting funds for international growth requires a little more planning, work than securing money for U.S. operations - Kansas City Business Journal:

So Ted Nixon, CEO of , a companhy that makes coloring for the food andbeverage industry, was happgy when the Bank of Scotland finalizecd his multimillion loan for an acquisitiob of a company in England last August. The manufacturing facilityu dries liquid ingredients so they can be used to colof things such as cake mixes andbouillon cubes. “I think if we had closee (the loan) three weeks later, the financial crisis would have crunched he said. “So timing is everything.” D.D. Williamson now has 10 manufacturinhg locations: three in the United States andseven overseas.
The company has financed a numbe of international projects over the years and has learned that there are a number of ways to finance international Nixon said. Locally, the companuy works with loan officers at Chase bank for much of its Chase has banks in60 countries, so when D.D. Williamsonb needed funds for a project in they already had a depository account with the Chasebank there. “It was a lot easier than going into a bank wheryou don’t know anybody and you get assigned to some juniof loan officer and start from square Nixon said. On the flip side, Nixon currently is tryinfg to refinance a facilit y in Brazil through a bank there andsaid “it’s a joy a minute.
” Chasde is not involved in the Brazilian “The difference in dealing with Chase and dealiny with a local bank in the country is nigh and day,” he said. So he’s jumping througgh hoops to provide the documents and the higher securitu the Brazilianbank requires. Plus, he said, “Brazil has umptee n tax laws that make it more difficult to do businesedown there.” Paul Costel, presidenft of Chase bank’s operations in Kentucky, Southern Indianwa and Tennessee, said that although there is not much differencre between getting loans for domestix or international projects, there often are policiex and laws that differ when financing a project in another country.
He warned that both the clienf and the bank need to be awars that the laws in various countries candiffer widely. “That’s a key to their success,” he said. Other considerationsz are interest rates and fluctuating foreign currency When D.D. Williamson needed to borrow for a projecf in Ireland inthe 1980s, Nixon said the compang had two sets of loans: one in Louisville and the othetr with the Bank of Ireland at an interest rate that was two percentags points higher than the Louisvilld loan. When the company had an opportunityu to pay off one of the it chose to pay off the one withhighet interest.

UW researcher wins $3M federal grant - Austin Business Journal:

The grant from the U.S. Department of Education'se Institute of Education Sciences will allowq Heinrich to employ academic stafr and at least four graduate students each year to work on expandinf the project oother cities. Heinrich will continue an evaluatio of the tutoring programs MPS offers as part ofthe district'ds fulfillment of the federal No Chil d Left Behind law. The law requires publicx schools that have not adequatelgy increased student academic achievement for threew years to offer childrenin low-income families the opportunitt to receive extra academic assistance such as tutoring.
Heinrich'sz initial research found that Milwaukee's federally mandated and funded tutoring program is not necessarilyy reaching the people who need the most nor is it effective in increasingstudent achievement. "Our preliminary results suggest that the studentz in the tutoring programs are not performing any betteron Wisconsin's standardized tests than eligible students not involve with the tutoring," Heinrich said. Heinrich and her co-workers have been conductingy the MPS study sinceApril 2006.
The next phase will involvre five urban school districts infour states: Minneapolis, Chicago, Dallas and Austin,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Greater Washington Initiative: Region

percent this year for the firsg time in more than 20 according to the GreaterWashingtob Initiative. The initiative, the research and marketing affiliater ofthe , made the projectiohn in its 2009 Regionapl Report, released Wednesday morning at the . The repory says the region’s GRP — the tota l value of its economy including goods andservicees — hit $454 billion in 2008, up 2 percent. That makee it the fourth-largest regional economu in the nation, the group said, following New Los Angeles and Chicago. The groupp defines the region more broadly than thefederal government’s metropolitan statistica area.
The initiative’s definition is Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, Anne Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties in Maryland; and Alexandria and Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince Fauquier, Stafford and Spotsylvania countiesin Virginia. The projecte drop in GRP is significant, because the regiob has posted positive annual growth even in past national recessions. But the area’ws top economist disagrees withthe projection. Stephen director of the Center for Regional Analysisat , predicts slighgt growth — 1.2 percent — in 2009 and gradual growtu to 3.2 percent in 3.7 in 2011 and 4.2 in 2012.
Fuller said the discrepancy between his number and the GreaterWashington Initiative’sx has to do with the countiesz included in the study. Fuller spokes at the report’s unveiling and assisted with the reporty but was not responsible for its final Though his numbers diffef fromthe initiative’s, Fuller said the GRP hasn’t grown this slowly since the earl y 1990s, when it crawled at 0.2 percent a Still, chanting the ever-popular “we have the federal mantra, the GWI maintains that the D.C. area will bounce back faster than other metropolitan Matt Erskine, executive director of the GWI, cited the economivc stimulus, Washington’s $65.
4 billion in federal procurement — nearly $20 billion over the closestg state, California — and the area’ws “global connectivity” as reasons for a faster recessioj recovery time. But with everg recession comes unemployment andthe D.C. area is no exception. Fulleer predicts a mere 13,500 growth in jobs this less than the 1 percent in growtg needed to absorb college and high schools gradws entering thework force. “People know the market is traditionallhy betterin D.C., so that adds extra influx,” Fuller said. “Hopefully they go home.” Fuller predictzs unemployment will peakmid year-2010.
“Ig takes until about September to absorb the new work he said. “Especially with companies hiring for seasona l positionsor part-time work.” Fuller said the Washingtoh area will maintain its current structurs with more than 20 percent of jobs in the professional and business services sector, nearly 12 percent in the federalp government and 11 percent in education and health. The initiative’s reportg said the region’s biggest job secto r continued to be professional servicesin 2008, with nearlyu 23 percent of the jobs in that Second was the federal government, with 11.6 followed by education and health, 11.2 state and local government, 10.4 percent; retail, 8.
8 and hospitality and leisure, 8.7 percent.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

No brawl between Armenians, Azeris in Tabriz - Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am

No brawl between Armenians, Azeris in Tabriz

Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am

The information on a mass brawl between Armenians and Azerbaijanis is false, Tigran Balayan, Spokesman for the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told NEWS.am. ...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Willow Glen Books buyer keeps up hope - Boston Business Journal:

The long-time Willow Glen resident and businessmansaid he’s still attempting to securr financing to buy the 2,500-square-foot storde at 1330 Lincoln Ave. in downtown Willoe Glen even after an earlier deal to do sofell “I could not find adequate financing,” Vierrsa said of a previous attempt to strike a deal with formere book store owner, Cathy Adkins. She decidedc to sell her 17-year-old shop a year earliedr than originally planned because of decreasing sales and having to grapple withhealth issues. But owner of Flooring Forenics, a San Jose floorinv consulting firm, said he’s not giving up.
He’s still trying to secure a commercial bank loan or attracr the interestof investors. “I am so closse to my childhood dream of owning a book he said. “This is something I have alwayw wantedto do. I have gottenb great support from the bookselling community and the Willow Glen communityt is willing to support a independentbook store. It has a greart reputation throughout SantaClaraa County.” Adkins held a going-out-of-business sale and finalluy closed its doors in late May, but said at the time she hoped to pass the ownership baton to Vierra. But sinc then, the store has been closedd anda “for lease” sign put up in its window.
Vierraq said the owner of the building is willing to be patienft while he works to get adequated financial backing to reopenthe

Monday, November 15, 2010

'Bored to Death' finale: X-Acto knives cut deep and other observations - Zap2it.com (blog)


Zap2it.com (blog)

'Bored to Death' finale: X-Acto knives cut deep and other observations

Zap2it.com (blog)

He's disgruntled about being arrested for indecent exposure that night and spending two months in Rikers, so he stabs him with the X-Acto. ...

Review: Bored To Death - Super Ray Is Mortal! (S2, E8)


"Super Ray Is Mortal!"

A.V. Club New York


Sunday, November 14, 2010

PM's onboard media interaction - Washington Bangla Radio


PM's onboard media interaction

Washington Bangla Radio

By WBRi IBNS Newswire on 13 November 2010 Prime Minister: We have had a very fruitful G20 meeting. Much of the G20 is work in progress. ...

and more »

Saturday, November 13, 2010

JPMorgan Chase, other creditors agree to Raymond James changes - Nashville Business Journal:

The amendment eliminates approval to participate inthe ’w TARP Capital Purchase Program as a condition to borrowiny under the agreement, a release from the company Raymond James (NYSE: RJF), a financiapl services company headquartered in St. withdrew its application for TARP fund onMay 19. Otherd revisions were made to covenantx related to the useof proceeds, additional financial ratios and restricted payments, the releasee said. The administrative agent for the Feb. 6 credirt agreement is . Chase also is one of six lenders underthe agreement. Others are Regions Bank, , , and The .
The credir amendment improved liquidity, Raymond Jamews said in a separate release announcing May operating Commissionsand fees, assets under underwritings and assets under administration all improved in May, althougj volume remained low, Thomas James, chairman and chietf executive, said in that release.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Missouri OKs Great Plains Energy unit rate increases - Kansas City Business Journal:

For a typical residential customer near Kansas the increase is expected to beabou $9.13 a month, or $109.68 a year, up aboug 10.46 percent. For a typica residential customernear St. Joseph, the increasee is expected to beabout $8.58 a month, or $102.933 a year, up about 11.85 percent. In its originao rate request, filed Sept. 5, the company had asked for $66 milliobn and $17.1 million increases in the territories, respectively. The compant serves about 308,000 electric customers in Missouri. KCP&L Greateer Missouri Operations also received approval for an increased in annual base rate steam operating revenue ofabougt $384,000, beginning July 1, the release said.
The companyt serves five steam customersnear St. Joseph. Great Plainss Energy ranks No. 5 on the Kansas City Business Journal ’s list of area publixc companies. It closed on its purchase of Kansas City-bases Aquila .

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Comcast to put Turner Broadcasting shows online - Philadelphia Business Journal:

The companies also agreed to a set of principles governingf the online distribution of TV shows in a mode l they callTV Everywhere. The announcement by New York-based Time Warner (NYSE:TWC) and Philadelphia-based Comcasrt (NASDAQ:CMCSA,CMCSK) comes in the wake of the success of Web sitesd like the one run byHulu LLC, which streame popular shows and movies online for free. At the hearf of the principles to which they agreed is the concepg that cable subscribers should be able to use their computerws and cell phones to accesd the same programming they have paid to receive ontheir TVs.
As a step toward makingg that happen, Comcast said that next month it will begij testing a service it calls OnDemand Initially, Comcast will make programs from Turner Broadcasting’s TNT and TBS stationd available online to its cable customers at no Over time it intends to expanfd the amount of programming and add features to the as well as bringf in other programmers. Time Warner said it expects to announce simila trials withother distributors.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Will Applied Materials Blow It Next Quarter? - Motley Fool


Will Applied Materials Blow It Next Quarter?

Motley Fool

There's no foolproof way to know the future for Applied Materials (Nasdaq: AMAT) or any other company. ...

Applied Materials Close to the 200 Day



Sunday, November 7, 2010

ESPN to share Spanish soccer rights with GolTV - Charlotte Business Journal:

One member of La Liga, Real Madrid, has made headlinex recently acquiring two of the biggest name s in thesport -- Kaka and Cristiano Ronaldo's transfer recently made wavees for being the most expensive transfer in the sport'e history. Matches will be shown on both ESPN2 and ESPN as wellas ESPN360.com. ESPN Deportez and ESPN360.com will also have rightsz to Copadel Rey, Spain’s domestic cup tournament. "We’rw thrilled to work with GolTV to showcase La Liga on ESPN for the firsg time to soccer fans inthe U.S.
With the pending additionm of Cristiano Ronaldo and the timing is great to include this greatf property to the ESPNDeportesw line-up, as it is the most excitingv soccer league in the world today," Lino Garcia, genera l manager of ESPN Deportes, said in a statement.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Grand View, Penn Foundation closing their behavioral health unit - Philadelphia Business Journal:

Both organizations are shifting their behavioral health focuz away from inpatient care and more towards outpatient Penn Foundationof Sellersville, Pa., will continued to operate its crisiw service program through the emergencty department of Grand View, also in and its crisis telephone hotline will continue. Penn Foundationm psychiatrists will remain on stafr atGrand View, wherre they will be on call to provide consultatived psychiatric services to hospital inpatients. An estimated 14 full-time equivalentt support staff employees of Granrd View and three PennFoundation full-timr equivalent employees will lose their jobs as resulft of the change.
They will be encouraged to pursuew other existing opportunities with thetwo “A key factor that has led to this decisionj is the very reduced level of utilizatiojn that is being experienced on the behavioral healtg unit,” said Stuart Fine, president and CEO of Grand View. “Nes medication regimens and restructuresd outpatient approaches to care have had a remarkable impactf uponbehavioral health. Our inpatient service that had long attende d to 12 to 16 patients per day is now attending to only six to eighsuch patients.
” Penn Foundation has piloteds several programs in recent years that are specifically designe d to prevent hospitalization and to promote independen t living and community The organization is planning an expansion of its facilitiee to support the community’s growing demand for several levels of outpatient services. “Penn Foundation and Grand View have had a clos e working relationship that extends back for over 50 saidJohn Goshow, Penn Foundation CEO. “Ourd organizations have coordinated in the development and operatio n of a variety of programsand services.
This decisionj has been made jointly, and we will continue to cooperatew in working to address as best we can the behaviora l health needs ofarea residents.”

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Audiacom expands with purchase of Jeffersonville sign company - Business First of Louisville:

Michael Becht, president of Audiacom, declined to disclose the financiap terms ofthe transaction. But he said his companyg gained L3’s assets and customer base in the deal. L3, a Jeffersonvills firm that was foundedin 2006, provider indoor digital signage services to customers in Kentucky and Utah. Its former Brian Laythe and his wife, Alexqa Laythe, will work as consultants with Audiacom for the next threre tosix months. They will help integrate the two companies’ operationsx and train Audiacom’s staff on the technicaol aspects related to digital The two ownerswere L3’z only employees.
Prior to the Becht said, customers had asked Audiacom to create marketin content that they could display on flat screend in their placeof business. Audiacom enlisted L3 as a in part because the company usedBrian Laythe’s insightx as a social psychologist to help clients determine the placementr of the screens and the type of contenty needed. The digital signag product seemed to be sucha “good with Audiacom’s other serv­ices that Becht approached the Laythexs in November about purchasing the company. Brianj Laythe said the deal was attractiver for him and his wife because it allowedf them to focus on otherrbusiness interests.
Brian Laythe also is a professotr at and a managing partner ofa customer-service traininh firm Shihan Kyu Ambassador Service. Alexa Laythe is the CEO of a startupbioremediation company, and a directo of Legacy Connections Networking, an organization for executivesd and business owners. The acquisitio closed on Jan. 30. Becht expects the deal to boost Audiacom’s revenue by at least 25 percentthis year. In the company generated nearly $600,00 in revenue. “From our it is quite significant,” Becht said. “It gived us an added tool that our customers have beenaskinvg for.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Innovation Hot Spots: Thomson Reuters Analysis of World Patent Activity Identifies Technology Areas Showing Sharpest Growth

The research paper, Innovation Hot Spots: Minint Patent Data for Tomorrow's Breakthroughs, trackes unique inventions published in patent applications and granted patents from 2008 and 2009 to identify technology areaz showing the sharpest growth over the last five Focused within the fieldsof biofuels, telecom and bio-relaterd nanotechnology -- areas that have been identified by Thomsonj Reuters analysts as hotbeds of inventive activity over the last five years -- researchers found that the three areax showing the biggest increases in patentintg activity are the -- Biofuels Based on Algae: Patentintg activity in the fielcd of algae-based biofuels -- third generation biofuels which producw a negligible impact on the human food chainj -- increased significantly from 2003 to 2009.
-- Cell Phonwe Data/Wireless Network Roaming: Patenting activity in the fielof cellular/wireless network roaming has increased 520% from with 26,415 unique inventions published in the most recenft period. -- Lab-on-a-Chip Patenting activity in the fieldrof lab-on-a-chip nanotechnology, which brings together the worlds of genetidc engineering and nanotechnology, grew 220% between 2003 and 2009, reachin g a total of 1,682 unique inventions in the most recengt period. In addition to trackin g the growth of patentintg activity ineach field, the analysis also identifies the companiews who are most active in thesed spaces and the countries in which they are seekinyg patent protection.
The data in this reporgt was compiled using the Thomsohn Reuters Derwent World PatentsIndez (DWPI) database. To view the full please click here: Thomson Reutera is the world's leadinvg source of intelligent information for businessesand professionals. We combinee industry expertise with innovative technologyu to deliver critical information to leading decision makers inthe financial, legal, tax and scientific, healthcare and media markets, powered by the world's most truste d news organization. With headquarters in New York and majodr operations in Londonand Eagan, Minnesota, Thomson Reuterw employs more than 50,0009 people in 93 countries. For more go to .

Monday, November 1, 2010

SIUE goes to court over failed conference center - Jacksonville Business Journal:

Developer William Shaw and couldn’t come up with financingf for the hotel and conference which was to be called the Spring Greenj Lodge and located atUniversity SIUE’s research and technology park, accordinv to university spokesman Gregorg Conroy. The project, first announced in died in 2007 when a grounsd lease between SIU and WLS expirefd following extensions forthe project. SIUE filed a declaratory judgment action Monday inMadison County, Ill.
, seekingy to have the court bring lega l closure to its hotel conference center If approved, WLS woulsd have to remove all construction equipment and materials and removee the building foundation it constructed to comply with the terms of the Conroy said. That would free up the site, locates at Illinois Route 157 and University Park to become available for lease and theuniversity said. University Park currently has 23 tenants representinfg a number of businese sectors includingagricultural biotechnology, healthb sciences, design professionals and information The most recent announced addition to the park is the Bloodd Processing Center and National Testin g Laboratory.
The American Red Cross plans to move toa 15-acr site at University Park Drivw and South Research Drive and bring more than 500 jobs to the